
Reflection 5

The final concept that I have taken away from this class is that teachers have a responsibility to teach our students how to be technologically literate. Today's technology goes far beyond simply mastering typing and a word processing program. Students must be able to find, analyze, and effectively use technology in order to be successful in today's world. Additionally, our students must learn to be good digital citizens and to be safe online. Fortunately, teachers have a plethora of resources available to help guide and teach their students. However, before teachers can teach their students, they must take the initiative to teach themselves. It is my goal to not only continue my technology learning journey but to also guide other teachers through their learning journeys, as well.

Reflection 4

The fourth strategy I have taken away from this course is the use of Google Classroom. While Classroom wasn't one thing we officially learned about, we did have the opportunity to use Google Forms, Docs, and Slides. Again, I have used these in the past. However, I think that the more I use them, the more comfortable I become with using them. Our school already belongs to Google Classroom, and I realize that I am not making good use of this resource. I will be asking our computer teacher to help me with getting my students comfortable using these Google resources. This way they will be familiar with the resources and ready to collaborate and create.

Reflection 3

The third strategy I gained from this class is the use of WebQuests. Creating my webquest led me to discover several online resources that are available to help me teach my students. I, of course, incorporated these resources into my webquest. I learned that creating a useful webquest is quite time consuming. However, the benefits of using a webquest in class definitely outweighs the time it takes to create it. I was able to use my webquest immediately with my 3rd graders, and they are currently in the process of completing the final product of their quest. I loved being able to teach an entire unit that allowed for my students to move at their own pace through each activity. The variety and flow of activities in my webquest allowed me to be able to work with small groups of students while others were able to move on to some of the higher level activities. Now they are working collaboratively to complete the last task. Another benefit of creating a webquest is that I will be able to us

Reflection 2

The second concept I am taking away from this course is that I can quickly and effectively use video making tools to share ideas with my students. For some reason, I had it in my head that making videos would be a long and cumbersome task. I had previously used Screencastomatic for graduate school. However, during this course, I used it in a different way. I realized how easy and quick it was to create a video to show others how to do something new. Now that I realize how easy it is, I will definitely be making more videos to post on the blog I create for my students. I will use it to show parents examples of how to work through some of the "new math" problems that they see coming home. I will also use videos as "viewing" homework for my students.

Reflection 1

The first strategy I gained from this course was the ability to create and use a blog. Creating a blog is something I have considered doing for several years but never followed through with. This course taught me, of course, how easy it is to create a blog. The course also taught me the dos and don'ts of blogging and how to be a successful blogger. Perhaps most importantly, I learned that I am capable of keeping up with a blog and also that I enjoyed sharing my thoughts, ideas, and knowledge with others. My goal now is to create a blog for my math students. I think it will be a great way for me to share fun brain challenges with my students. I will also post information that will be useful to them and/or their parents as they journey through 3rd grade math with me.


1. I enjoyed so many of the technologies I got to play around with through the making of this blog. Many I had used before, and several were new to me. My favorite activities were those that I was able to take immediately back to school and use. I showed our first grade team the Wordle I created. They liked the idea of it and together we explored other options and have since created with the use of WordArt. I also used the Voki I created with my 3rd grade math class. 2. My learning goal is to continue taking chances and trying new things. I never want to become the teacher that does the same exact same thing year after year. I want to explore and learn about new ways to help my students learn, create, and collaborate. This assignment has obviously helped me towards this learning goal. 3. Honestly, the biggest takeaway I had was that I can create and keep up with a blog. I learned that it is quite easy to create, and there are so many ideas that I would love to share with others. Af

Thing 16

Photo Peach was fun (and a little frustrating) to use. I did appreciate how easy it was to get started, add photos, and add music. The music offered some really great options. The part I had trouble was getting my photos in right side up. They were right side up on my computer, but when I uploaded them to Photo Peach they were sideways. I did persevere and win the battle though! I would probably not allow my students to use this site because it required registering. However, I can see creating fun presentations with this as an introduction to a lesson. I could see myself using it at a teacher in-service, as well. Our teachers would love seeing all the fun things they have been up to in a format such as this. I will definitely use it again! Emmy Rides the Largest Horse Yet! on PhotoPeach