Reflection 3

The third strategy I gained from this class is the use of WebQuests. Creating my webquest led me to discover several online resources that are available to help me teach my students. I, of course, incorporated these resources into my webquest. I learned that creating a useful webquest is quite time consuming. However, the benefits of using a webquest in class definitely outweighs the time it takes to create it. I was able to use my webquest immediately with my 3rd graders, and they are currently in the process of completing the final product of their quest. I loved being able to teach an entire unit that allowed for my students to move at their own pace through each activity. The variety and flow of activities in my webquest allowed me to be able to work with small groups of students while others were able to move on to some of the higher level activities. Now they are working collaboratively to complete the last task. Another benefit of creating a webquest is that I will be able to use it for years to come. I would like to spend some time in the summer creating more webquests for myself and other teachers on my campus. I have even considered putting together an optional PD session where teachers can come work with me to create a webquest of their own.
