
1. I enjoyed so many of the technologies I got to play around with through the making of this blog. Many I had used before, and several were new to me. My favorite activities were those that I was able to take immediately back to school and use. I showed our first grade team the Wordle I created. They liked the idea of it and together we explored other options and have since created with the use of WordArt. I also used the Voki I created with my 3rd grade math class.

2. My learning goal is to continue taking chances and trying new things. I never want to become the teacher that does the same exact same thing year after year. I want to explore and learn about new ways to help my students learn, create, and collaborate. This assignment has obviously helped me towards this learning goal.

3. Honestly, the biggest takeaway I had was that I can create and keep up with a blog. I learned that it is quite easy to create, and there are so many ideas that I would love to share with others. After I complete my Masters degree (May 2019), my next goal will be to create a blog to help my fellow educators with their own learning journeys.

4. I liked the format of this class. Of course, I am a bit of a "techie" so learning and using new tools comes quite easily to me.  I felt there were many videos offered to help those who may not be as comfortable with technology. One suggestion I have is to go back through your links as some of them are no longer available. Unfortunately, technology changes so quickly that often times the sites we like disappear or become inactive.
