Thing 9

Zoho Doc is a new resource for me! I had never even heard of it until today. I have used Google Docs on a number of occasions, and I feel like Zoho Docs is comparable. One feature I especially liked about it was how user-friendly it was. It was super easy to insert a math equation. I would even say that it was easier to use the equation editor on Zoho than on Microsoft Word. The equation editor on Zoho shows you a preview of what you are typing. I also liked the grid in the background. When I tried to move shapes around, the grid certainly made it easier to see if the shapes were lined up. It was rather difficult to move smaller shapes around though. For some reason, I kept grabbing the shape and altering the size rather than dragging it to another location. The bigger shapes were easier to move around. The other thing I really liked about Zoho were all the ways to share a created document and the ability to see changes and versions. I definitely would not mind playing with it a bit more, however, I do not see it being adopted at my school since we already utilize Google Classroom.

Here is a link to my Zoho Doc
