Thing 5

I found this "thing" to be a bit more difficult than the previous things. I had a hard time finding sources that I trusted, but I did eventually find a site called BigHugeLabs.
This site has several options for mashing Flickr with other activities. The one I most enjoyed using was creating a Trading Card. I first searched Flickr for landforms and put several photos in my "favorites" folder. Then I followed the prompts on BigHugeLabs to create a trading card. This was really fun. However, I don't think I would recommend this for use with my elementary students due to the need to login to Flickr. I would recommend it to my teachers to help build classroom learning tools. For instance, I would encourage my science teachers to continue the lesson I started for them. They would create a trading card for each landform they want their students to learn about. I might encourage them to not include the name of the landform so students would have to name the landform based on the picture and definition. This would make a great station for landform review or informal assessment.
