Thing 13

I created my YouTube video using a source called Screentastomatic. This site allows you to do a recording of what is happening on your desktop, which I love (especially at 5 in the morning when I am trying to get my homework done before everyone wakes up, and I  don't really want you to see what I look like). It was so simple to make the video, and when I was finished there was an option to directly upload my video to YouTube. It really could not have been more user friendly. I have used YouTube videos in my classroom. I like to use them as an intro to a lesson to capture students' attention or to explain a concept in a different way. However, I try to just use TeacherTube if I am looking for something for my students. I feel I find more relevant and school appropriate videos in that way. I don't think I would feel comfortable with asking my students to post a video to YouTube. I think my students are too young to be posting on YouTube (I'm pretty sure you have to be a certain age in order to post videos) and the majority of our parents would not give permission for them to do so. I do think it is beneficial for students to create things to share with the world though. Sometimes the effort they put forth is better when they know someone other than me will be seeing it. That's why I have chosen to use Seesaw in my classroom. Students can post videos, pictures, and other items on this site and their posts go straight to their parents, or others who have been approved by me. This gives students the opportunity to create work to share with others, but in a safer and more restricted format.
