Thing 1

After learning the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners, I realize that I possess several of these habits. Perhaps that is why I crave knowledge and learning new things! The easiest habit for me is accepting responsibility for my own learning. I started my graduate school journey because I was at a point in my life where I was ready to do something for myself. Learning makes me happy, so I decided furthering my education was what I needed to do. The enjoyment I get from learning makes it easy for me to take the time to study. Admittedly, if the content isn't my favorite, it is harder to force myself to focus. However, I handle that by doing my least favorite homework first and rewarding myself by then doing the homework I enjoy. Similar to the way I tell my kids to eat the things on their plate that they don't like and saving the best for last. 
Interestingly, the hardest habit for me is beginning with the end in mind. I started my graduate school journey knowing that I wanted to get a graduate degree. However, I wasn't sure (and still have doubts) about what my end goal is. Do I want to go on and get my doctorate, be a principal, teaching specialist, or teach higher education? Even though I have begun in an administrative capacity as the Elementary Director of my campus, I still am not certain where I want to end up. I do believe, however, that my drive for knowledge will lead me somewhere great.

Learning Contract
